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added comment inHow to Simplify the Motion of the Torso – The Bean
Asked for help
First attempt at bean drawing. It's quite difficult figuring out the twists.

These are actually quite well shaped, good job. I would suggest you to now try to do them with cleaner, more continuous lines. Focus on big gestural motions, drawing them bigger overall. It will become easier to feel the gesture that way. And don’t forget to pay close attention to how you place the center lines, they will make or break your volumes.
Best of luck! :)
Asked for help
How do you guys draw from observation when each time you look back at the sketchbook and again at the subject the perspective changes slighty? 💀
When you’re drawing a subject from observation, don’t try to look at it at the same time as when you’re looking at your sketchbook. Look directly at your subject, take a mental snapshot of a part you want to draw, like an edge or a curve, then try to capture it. Look back and compare. It doesn't need to match perfectly, it just needs to get the right idea across. If you captured it accurately, great, move on to then next part. If not, adjust it until what you have on the paper captures what’s in front of you. Don’t stress out about the tiniest of details. It takes a lot of practice to develop an eye for accuracy, so just keep going and you’ll improve. Hope this helps :)