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Medial View of TricepsHello! Trying to work out the medial view of the triceps, particularly with regard to how the long head overlaps the medial one. Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track? I keep sort of drawing the long head as a big spherical shape and keeping the medial head as a block...
I dont know much about anatomy but using too much curve in general both confuses you and damages the structor. Of course you can use a few curves but avoid overdoing it pls. I have learned it from Ethen Becker
Struggling my way through learning the pecs. Currently quite confused as regards what happens when the arm moves up; could someone clarify if I'm on the right track here, with muscle placement?
Hello! Happy New Year.
Any chance of one more critique? This figure was constructed from imagination. It feels off, however - particularly with regard to everything below the rib-cage. Can anyone identify the problem areas, and perhaps help me sharpen up the addition of anatomy to a constructed figure?
This is a nice sketch overall. Talking about the left side sketch you should add more line weight and line variation. And be consistent with adding shadows.
The right side sketch, so whenever you draw a structure try to reduce the number of lines you use. Try to draw the structure with flowy long lines, you can learn more about this when you learn gesture drawing. You can also use simple shapes to draw structure which also doesn't require so many lines.
Otherwise , good job.
Thanks - all good points. I suppose I tried to do the whole 'scribble' gesture thing rather than the cleaner, more restrained one. And you're absolutely right about line weight and variation. Thanks so much for taking the time to look over my work!
Steve Lenze
I like this, especially your sketch, it has a lot of energy.
I think the way you drew the arms is pretty good, they feel very dimensional and solid. The torso and lower body though looks very flat because you used too many straight, flat lines.
I did a quick diagram to show you some of the things that I noticed in your drawing and what you could do to help keep things dimensional in the future. I hope it helps :)
This helps so much I'm tempted to get it tattooed on my forehead. A wonderful critique! Thanks so much! Gratifying beyond measure to know that I got some things right, and that you took the time to give my piece a draw-over.
Building on my last thread, please find enclosed a more complete figure, here standing all heroic-like. (For copyright purposes, his name is... Brilliant Man.)
On the left is the finished doodle (which feels very... lightweight to me. Is it the lack of rendering?) I'm going for a Curt Swan sort of look, and referenced some Jose Garcia Lopez for the pose.
The right is my construction.
Thanks in advance for any advice you might have!
Steve Lenze
Hey discoaquinas,
I agree with the critiques you have already had by Dwight and Danet. I will say that there really isn't any reason to draw the body unless it's doing something.
Always start with gesture to keep the body fluid and not stiff like your drawing. Notice everything is straight and even?
Then use structure to give your figure some dimension and 3D qualities.
Then add your anatomy and details. This progression will help you going forward to create more convincing, solid and interesting figures.
I did a sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Thanks, Steve - this is magical! Gesture is always a challenge for me, I'll admit, and you've all convinced me to upload a full figure piece soon.
The only thing to critique is the contours of the torso, which look fine except for the symmetric line between the torso and forearm.
I'd recommend finishing the drawing (as in drawing head, hands, legs), adding shading, or outlining each muscle or something because I feel like it's hard to say if you really know your stuff with so little to go off of.
That's an absolutely fair point to make; too often I just... let the drawing sit unfinished. Thanks for taking the time to look it over all the same, though!