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Asked for help
Hi all, this is my attempt prior to watching the demo. My lines are really light, and I'll attempt again with darker lines.
Asked for help
First time messing around with Procreate. Hmmm... I mean ... It's not the same as paper but it's kinda fun. I guess? All the paint brushes are fun and the colors are fun. I guess practicing digitally would help with non digital work and vice versa. Anyway I'm trying to continue to experiment with ellipses and just going where my imagination goes.
Chirantan Talukdar
They say that lightning doesn't strike the same place twice. Well, the same can be said for my lines. Any tips?
Tip #1- go easy on yourself. I don't think your lines are bad. I like that you are experimenting with different sizes of ellipses too. I'm no drawing teacher but I'll give you a couple of things that have helped me. Whatever speed you are drawing these, slow it down a notch or two. Take a page and work on "ghosting" ellipses. I personally work on ghosting circles too. Use your whole arm and just work on ghosting those shapes with just a single pencil stroke. That practice will help you smooth out your ellipses or any line/shape in general. Keep practicing and don't stop practicing. You're doing great! 👍
Asked for help
Mushrooms and other strange designs. I'm going to keep experimenting with ellipses. Attaching them together, building them on top of one another etc. etc. etc. Whatever my mind comes up with really.
Asked for help
Hi all. I have been practicing mushrooms for the last 4 days. I started to figure out that I can put any shape in the universe on top of that first ellipse so I started experimenting. FUN warmup. I decided I will draw mushrooms every day until the end of time. That'll be about a Trillion mushrooms. I'll improve while.doing so, and I'll be an expert at drawing mushrooms. It's a win-win. 🙂
Hi Dennis. I also listen to music while I draw sometimes I feel that way too, and when I do I think about what I have been working on, and then I look at my sketchbook just from the last 2 or 3 days and I look at the progress I have made on whatever I am working on. When I see that, its usually all it takes for me to get centered again and focused on the task at hand. I feel like looking at my practice work from the last couple of days shows me how productive I have been. You mentioned wanting to be more productive. I hope you're finding what you are after. Keep creating art and please don't ever stop. 🙂
Gannon Beck
218th Day of Proko and counting. Not quite there yet, but I'm making progress on the portrait front.
I think what you meant to say was that you are making AWESOME progress on the portrait front! She and I share the same birthday. I knew who it was right away too. Nice job and I dig the colors as well! Keep going don't ever stop ever!!! No matter what!!!
Hi everyone, my name s Andy. For a long time I have been doing abstract art. I have experimented with everything. Colored Pencils, markers, watercolor, pastel, and Intense blocks and pencils. I never heard of it before I used it. It's water soluble ink. Lots of fun! I have never learned how to draw so that's why Im here. Id like to do comic book style drawing. I know that will take a long time to get there but I'm ready and willing to do the work. Here is some of my abstract art with pastels, colored pencil, and inktense. I never sketch anything out ever. Just start with a line or shape and go from there. I hope everyone is great and I super appreciate all the art I have seen from everyone on this thread! Keep it up!!
Morphex: First of all, why all the doom and gloom? Also, don't think you're taking up anyone's time. The whole purpose of this is to ask for help. I very much would like to try and pull you back into reality. If you have learned NOTHING, then all of the pictures you attached would be just blank pages of nothing. If you put some sort of timer on yourself thinking you will become what you want to become in "X" days/weeks/months etc you will drive yourself completely insane. Don't stress yourself out like that. PLEASE don't EVER give up either! EVER! Drawing takes practice and A LOT of it! If you keep practicing, you will break through whatever plateau you feel you may be encountering. I think you're doing just fine! Im not even AT the phase where I am working on faces yet, so I STRONGLY urge you to try and adopt the mentality that this is a LONG run, NOT a sprint to the finish line. I spent a long time learning how to juggle. Juggling and drawing are extremely similar in that they both are prime examples of DELAYED GRATIFICATION. It takes a long time to learn how to do both, and the satisfaction of being able to do it is not felt until way later down the line. That doesn't mean there aren't little victories along the way because there are! PLEASE don't give up. You're doing great! Just the fact that you can compose a face on paper is a huge accomplishment! The REFINEMENT of that will take time! You have a lot to be proud of if you just take the time to find it. Are you further along than you were on day ZERO?? Of course you are! Just keep going! Don't ever stop ever! You got this! Good luck and just keep drawing! Have a wonderful day! -Andy
Hi all, here is my 3rd attempt at the pear. I feel like I got the bottom lighter shadow better this time. I really tried to make all the lines connect at a sharp angle. I feel like when I grab the 6B, it softens those sharp lines. Where the stem attaches to the pear is tricky. I want to continue to I prove it. Any critique would be welcomed. Thanks!
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