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added comment inProject - Gestural Architecture
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First attempt at this project. I hope to try again.
The trees look way too messy. Do one building per page, so you have more space for each building. You can focus on one building at a time
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My first attempts. Found the hippo a challenge as I wasn't sure which shape worked best to start with. Also I think the 3D effect of the mouth was making me question if I should be simplifying to a more side on flat interpretation.
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Running very late again so no time to adjust and correct. I spent too long looking at the choices of master drawings and analysing them and didn't leave enough time for the drawing. Head obviously wrong. Hierarchy of lines not right.
For a first attempt at copying a master drawing it could be worse. Maybe. I shall practice some more.
My reference image was from Jeff Watts.
At the start, where you are using small lines to make the thick lines you are using lots of small strokes. It looks similar motion to the chicken scratch that is bad. How is this different? Is it the confidence and intention of the lines you are making for the thick lines, rather than small hesitant marks?
I think the difference here is that the smaller lines are being used to control how think you want the line in certain places. You could redraw the entire line over and over to thicken it but that leaves a lot of room for error so it's easier to adjust the line to your liking in shorter segments. Hope that helps.
I was standing when I was listening!
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Phew! Got very behind so practiced hard (and used my rhino to practice lines). Didn't have enough time to try with the different light direction but did have a go at a portrait contour. As the instructions from Stan were focus on lines that is what I have tried to do but also not to forget the other things we've already learnt! I love this course, except I keep saying Oh man!
Much happier with this one now I've watched the demo. Easy when you know how innit?! 😉
Three more pear attempts and now going to watch full video. Loving this course already! Thank you Stan!
I really struggled to locate the shadows and then realised I should have thought about the light source direction. I shall try again before I watch the full video.
I care for someone who is housebound and have to buy art materials on line. My question is if you try a new sketchbook and for whatever reason it doesn't feel right, is it like a book that you plough through to the end or is it ok to abandon it? I know there are no right and wrongs per se. Just curious.
I plough through sketchbooks even if its not my favorite type of paper. Sketchbook is for training so I use it to get hourse of drawing and buy something else next time. But drawing paper for example marker paper that doesnt work well with my material, i abandon. Or can be used for sketch or scribbles instead