Activity Feed
Carlos Diaz
added comment inSeptember Proko Challenge - Reference Bash with Peter Han
Asked for help
So, I didn't make it to the deadline but still, I'd appreciate some community feedback!!
Willem De Fields
Love the pteruges flower skirt :) and that direct sunlight.
Jan D.
Looking great Carlos!:) Maybe the far side of the skull seems a little warped or the shadow on the lemons is a little too bright, but just guessing really, haven't seen your reference. You're doing great though tbh!:)
Thanks Jan!! Your feedback is on point too! I did notice the lemons issues after finishing it but didn't try to fix it since it is a good reminder and also (hopefully) will serve as a reference of the progression I can make. :)
Hi all!!
First point to remark, I'm into drawing, I've drawn quiet a lot (with very little success still, hahahaha) but I've never painted before.
So, I started to become attracted more and more to paiting and decided to try out some gouache paints (really liked the almost oil paint looks you can get with them).
These are the first few complete pieces I've done. All critique is welcome.