Figure and Anatomy Studies +
Hey guys, I’ve built up a backlog of drawings and thought I needed to share them!! These are some of my recent figure drawings studies, right now I’m taking Scott Eaton’s anatomy class which has been great, but intense and lots of information no joke. I can already spot some anatomy mistakes in some of these drawings, but it’s certainly improving! Of course I would highly appreciate any and thoughts and crits.  As you’ll see I’ve been experimenting with warming up with some automatic drawing or whatever you call it, making scribbles without thinking about anything but making the lines flow, that just happens naturally, I’m striving to think as little as possible. it’s been super cool, I think it’s excellent training for building the intuitive subconscious side, and it loosens me up. 
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these are gorgeous!
Thank you much Smithies!
Carlos Diaz
Those are awesome!! You can see the gesture perfectly in each single one and the lines are nice and loose (which in my opinion is how you capture the gesture so well). Really jealous, these kind of poses are the ones I struggle with more.
Wow thanks so much Carlos!🙌 I try and have fun keeping it energetic and loose.I love the complicated poses, I know for me sometimes drawing the same pose a few times helps to make sense of it.
Abhinav Bhardwaj
If there is a prblm pls give critique
They are so messy and I love that !
Lol I appreciate it, I try to keep it loose but hopefully in a good way and not an overly sloppy way, it does happen though especially on traditional since I don’t have an undo button…
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