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Comet McGuire
added comment inQuicksketch Assignment Examples - 2 Minute Poses
Hi all! This was my first attempt at gesture, with my very first attempt being on the top left. I worked from left to right and I was pretty happy with my attempts near the end! Would love any feedback, feel free to tell me anything!
Alexis Riviere
Hey @Comet McGuire
You're showing progress as your last attempt definitely has more gesture than the rest. But I think you're still a bit guilty of drawing contours instead of flows, though.
So I have a few tips for you, which I hope will make you improve in that regard. They're in the picture attached.
Anyway, keep drawing and have fun. :)
Ron Kempke
Nice attempt but, before you concern yourself with modeling (shading), you need more practice seeing correct proportions. I noticed a few things in your drawing that detract from a true likeness, if that was your intention. Her left eye sets back a little too far in your drawing and eye, eyebrow and jaw are slightly stretched horizontally from the model's. If you extend a line from the model's jaw, it lines up with the front of her ear canal. Also, the model's straps aren't spread apart as far as you show and your sternocleidomastoid muscle should be directed to the pit of her neck instead of straight down. Try drawing this head by eye, then lay your drawing over the reference and hold them together up to a bright window to see how closely you've duplicated the proportions. Comparing your drawing to the reference in a mirror also helps to exaggerate any differences in your drawing.
Thank you!! I will definitely be using the mirror method, because I could tell some things were off but couldn't tell what!
Steve Lenze
Hey Comet,
I will say that you captured the likeness pretty well in your drawing.
The issues you are having is, yes, all your values are too dark, but, I think the value range is pretty good. The contrast in values in the reference isn't all that much either.
The reason you are having problem with areas looking flat is because the reference is flat lighting. Anytime the light comes from the front, it flattens out the details, that's why they shoot glamour photos that way because it looks flattering to women.
As far as the ear, make sure you use both soft and hard edges, it's what gives it form. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Thank you so much for your insight!! I will definitely be incorporating the soft and hard edges into my work. I'll also probably be using the Proko references from now on. Thanks again!!
Heyo! This is my first attempt at an actual art assignment, and I was trying to embrace values in this piece. Would love some feedback! I dont think I contrasted enough in some areas, the cheeks look pretty flat to me, but I dont know how to tackle that problem.
Also, my focal points were the nose and ear.
Comet McGuire
I really like the outline you did for this piece! The colors look nice too, but if you're worried about color, there's like a whole course on approaching color. I think it's called The Color Survival Guide!