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30 second to 1 minute gestures I tried to minimize the number of lines used.
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Some of the portraits and sketches I've done based on the course material. Critique is appreciated.
figures with fewer lines and contours based on the video.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @Bryan Wisri, these are way better, then the ones you posted last time! Congratulations on the improvements. I'll try to look for things to help you further: - First I'd like to share some practice tips that I think will help you improve faster SOME PRACTICE TIPS: How you practice is as important, or even more important than what you practice. Here are some things that helped me improve faster: STAN´S EXAMPLES For me it was invaluable to look at Stan´s example drawings, following this routine 1. Try to draw the pose myself before looking at Stan´s example 2. Follow along with Stan and copy his way of drawing 3. Try to draw like Stan did, without looking at his example I did this over and over, varying up with other poses I found on the internet, trying to bring with me the habits I learned from Stan. DELIBERATE PRACTICE Another thing that was important for me was to be on the look out for things to improve. Improving was simply a long chain of - Doing a mistake - Finding the mistake - Trying to not make the same mistake in the next drawing - Looking through you're previous posts you seem to be concerned about line quality, so I thought I would share some tips. First of all check out this video if you haven't already and apply what it teaches When doing gesture quicksketches, try to let the first line you put down be the one you use, even if it sucks, to build a habit of cleanliness. Accuracy comes with practice. The good habits have to be there from the start. I also think imitating Stan, as mentioned above, will help you improve your line quality (Stan's work has great line quality) - Try to connect and simplify things even more. When you have the opportunity to connect things with a single s-curve from head to toe, take it! - I think you would appreciate reading my first critique for another student, TobeO (scroll down to first post) I hope this was helpful :) Keep up the good work!
6 of my 2min sketches done digitally. I'm not sure if I might be chicken scratching too much in these.
Not bad! The poses are clear. I think you're right about the line quality and I also think that your focusing a little too much on the contour rather than the larger pose. I would recommend removing the time limit and imposing a line limit, say 7. Then really, look at the pose and PLAN each line using a C, S or I line. When you have only 7 or so lines to describe a pose, you have to show larger portions of the body with each line which helps with the flow of the pose and the line quality in one exercise. I'm working on my line quality and this helped me make good progress, so I hope this helps! Looking good so far, keep it up!
John Harper
The scratchyness will tone down over time, as you gain more confidence. If these drawings are digital, you can make another layer. Then, try to re-draw those lines using long, smooth strokes.
all good, i'm taking a step back to do the figure drawing course.
first attempt without looking at Marshall's reference using Clip Studio. I'm still practising my linework as well.
Grant H
My revised tracing after comparing it against Stan's.
Jesper Axelsson
really nice!
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