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I'd like to try my hand at these. Are there photo references available or should I just use the video?
Brhody Wallis
I believe this is the specific proko model pack used in this demo:
Brhody Wallis
I gave it another crack - simplication is something I really need to work on, so for this attempt, I kept it simple; went to unsplah; searched "animal" - and just scrolled and drew what was there 🤙 I'm much happier with these ones. It's such a skill and one that I think I might become addicted to 🤣
Brhody Wallis
Brhody Wallis
I've just started with level 1 - great project and definitely see that I'm still focusing too much on "the big picture" and trying to copy a reference rather than improving it through designing. Looking forward to continuing to practice with shapes and find my confidence to simplify rather than over explain 🤪
Melanie Scearce
Love seeing your experimentation! Keep it up :)
Brhody Wallis
I kept my final sketch simple, and have a bit of a pun in there. The legs are too short on the final sketch i think - but I'm keen to move onto the next lesson 👌
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice kangaroo from imagination!
Brhody Wallis
Oh boy, tough one! Enjoyed the explanations in this part of the course, but I think I overloaded myself attempting to keep alot of the concepts in mind. Overall good lesson... but hands make me want to quit drawing all together 🤣
Rachel Dawn Owens
Hands are one of the most difficult things to draw. Looks like you got it though. All these complicated drawing concepts will get more intuitive with practice. Keep it up!
This was really fun! I continued to practice what we learned in the level 1 project. I feel like I'm getting better at the loose sketches! I chose to draw cockatiels for level 2. It was tough, but a really fun challenge. I wish I pushed the shapes to be more expressive and animated. I'm going to explore this further!
Brhody Wallis
Fab! Great movement and expressions 👌
my first attempt at this project. have been holding off because i wasn't so sure if i was getting the assignment then just decided to like be whatever with it i can get back to it later on and its just good that i tried it. decided to focus on borzois because theyre just goofy and i think they got a lot of straights and curves when you try to simplify them.
Brhody Wallis
Great shapes 🙌
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