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added comment inHow to Do an Anatomy Tracing
Asked for help
here is mine! sorry for the wobbly lines and confusing colors, i only realized halfway through that I shouldve used black lines for everything and just colored in with different colors for a cleaner result. I have a few questions
-how to know muscle fiber directions?
-where are the specific ridge muscles here and their tendons? Despite looking at multiple diagrams I couldnt figure out anything other than the biceps... Stan mentionned the brachialis but apparently it's a deep muscle? wouldn't it not be visible then, and under the biceps?
The muscle fibers run from the origin to the insertion (start and end) of the muscle. Knowing how each muscle connects will help you place the fibers in your drawing. The ridge muscles that Stan is referring to are the extensor carpi radialis longus and the brachioradialis. They are the small part of the forearm that is shown in this image. Here is a video on the ridge muscles for more info: As a side note, the brachialis can be visible, especially if well developed or the model has a lean body composition, as we see here. It seems like this exercise really helped you, keep up the good work :)
Asked for help
hi! sorry if this is a really obvious question but are we supposed to follow along the example in the video and/or use the finished example image as a reference? it kinda feels like cheating haha wouldn't it defeat the point since you'd just be copying what he does without properly understand what you're drawing? would using standard muscle anatomy diagrams for the refs be better, as they tend to be flat/front(or back or side)facing so then you'd have to properly understand what muscle you're drawing to translate it onto the exercise image?
That's a great question! I would say it depends on where you're starting from. I agree with you -- I don't think it would be cheating but I do think it would be a huge waste of time if you were replicating the example just to get the exercise done. If you are starting out with no prior anatomy knowledge I think that copying the example would be a great place to start. If you have a pretty basic understanding of anatomy, I think it would be helpful to follow along with the example but you may benefit more from challenging yourself to attempting the same exercise on a different image and using anatomy diagrams as reference.
hi, are we supposed to do the figure drawing course before this one?
Hey Blanche! It's not a requirement, but the Figure Drawing Fundamentals course is a great companion course to Anatomy! If you're already comfortable drawing figures and just want to learn more about anatomy you can jump right in, but if you are just starting to learn about how to draw figures definitely check out Figure Drawing Fundamentals course, once you learn the fundamentals, you'll be able to get a lot more out of the Anatomy course. Hope this helps!