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Joshua Samuel
added comment inMannequinization – Structure of the Human Body
Asked for help
I tried using the simple mannequin I'd seen @Jesper Axelsson recommend in some of his critiques and then attempted a more complex one later.
I look forward to your feedback
You have it! Great job!
Hi @Joshua Samuel, really nice work! Good structure and well done with maintaining the gesture.
- In the 7th image the construction of the upper body feels a little vague. I can tell from the preliminary lines below that you had structure in mind, but it would need to be articulated more clearly. I did a paintover where I added a ribcage and some crosscontours and definitions of plane breaks in the shoulders, upper arms, chest and belly.
How do you know when you have shown enough information? You could try asking:
If this was someone elses drawing, and it was shown to me, would I be able to tell the dircetion of all the forms?
Hope this helps :)
Asked for help
Hi, here's my assignment submission. Sorry I don't have the ref, I did these during a timed figure drawing session on a website.
What are your thoughts?
Wonderful! The look like what Stan drew. Very clean and none of the perspectives look way off to me.
Joshua Samuel
Asked for help
I had some difficulty in constructing the figure and trying to see every single landmark on the list (Stan only showed some landmarks so I had to figure out the others😅), but I tried my best.
Any feedback is appreciated
These are really good :) With the first one her left knee not parallel in direction as you've drawn it and needs to show less angle. There are a few other small nit-picks with proportions and perspective but as the focus is landmarks here you've done a great job in finding them and considering angles and forms.
In the second one, his right collarbone goes back and higher than you've drawn and in the third picture her left scapula should be angled more in line with the shoulder's angle, it's a bit vertical.
I'm very impressed with the 3rd pose, it looks really well balanced and dynamic but not cluttered with lines. Good job and keep it up!
I think these are phenomenal. The last pose is curved more in the spine, not sure if you did that intentionally but it makes the pose very dynamic
Joshua Samuel
Asked for help
Hi, here's my assignment - some boxes and cylinders and then animals. What do you think?
These look great! The baby dears hind legs seem a bit off.
Love the Seahorse, so well done!
I like it! :) Doing these 3D animal drawings was my favorite part of the course so far.
Asked for help
I tried copying Stan's beans and then did mine from references. Also tried applying it to some gesture drawings. What do you think?
Really nice!
- When the bean twists the overlaps should follow the gesture of the centerline. I struggled with understanding this myself, but you'll start to understand why the overlaps happen once you get to the robo bean lesson in the course. For now just remember the rule: in a twist the overlaps follow the gesture of the centerline
Other than that, really good job :)
Joshua Samuel
Some 30 sec and 2 min gestures. I feel like some of my gestures are too loose compared to Stan's. I'd really whatever feedback you have
Hi @Joshua Samuel, these are really nice! Especially your 30 sec ones! If possible, try to get the same fluidity in your 2 min drawings, maybe by being more loose and exaggerating the gesture more
- In image 2, top drawing, the torso feels a little stiff. The front view of a straight torso can be difficult to show the gesture of. Look closely and see if there is a subtle twist going on that you could exaggerate. You'll learn more about the gesture of the torso in the next lesson.
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
PS I attached an image with some practice tips that helped me a lot when I took the course. Hopefully they can be of some help to you too :)