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Stefan Lintl
added comment inProko Challenge Stylized Self-Portraits - FINAL SUBMISSIONS HERE
Maybe the reflexion of my inside...
hey is my submission of self portrait my oil painting, "In My Reflection"
Done using wax or conte crayons, honestly not sure. A bit of the perspective problems thoe...
My first ever self-portrait. Traditional A5 Watercolor.
Would love some criticism. Duo-color.(red and blue)
Here's my self portrait created on procreate, this is my current style would love to get a critique on it :D
Here's me. Would love critique. Digital, done in clip studio.
Arshvir Sekhon
I have been doing art (drawing, painting, 3d/digital art) on and off for the past few years but for reasons, never been able to fully commit to it. I guess being young I though I had enough time to get into it but, as I am nearing my late 20es I have realized how life will get in your way and that this might be the last chance for me to peruse my career in arts. Do you have any advice of someone who has finally figured out that he would really love to pursue concept art as a career but thinks, has wasted to much time and is stressed by the amount of material he has to learn and master in a shorter period of time compared to someone in their early 20s. I may already know what you might say to this person but would like to hear some more of your opinion on it.