Molly Bang's How Pictures work
Art Anderson
Hi Proko Composition followers. Has anyone else read Molly Bang's book How Pictures Work? I am just starting it and wanted to start a thread to see what others opinions are.
I have it and just taught a continuing ed class with that as the text book. (Based on Marshall's recommendation in the Draftsmen podcast). I love it! It's great to use in conjunction with picture books for young readers or well designed film clips, analyzing each scene, page or spread. I found I was noticing new things in storybooks that I'd read dozens of times already.
Yes I have! I checked it out from the local library. It’s a quick read unless you want to follow the exercises. I don’t think I would’ve appreciated as much if I was just starting out. I don't know if I would purchase it though, feels like very simple concepts that I can easily retain because she explained it so well. Definitely worth a read!
From what I can remember, it's a very quick read but with a very impactful takeaway. I think most artists can get carried away with adding detail to make a composition feel more 'finished', but Molly Bang points out that having a strong simple statement with a good read is infinitely more effective. Worth the read through, and it's something that you can apply to your pieces right away.
Great starter, I like its simplicity! However, you need to follow through with books that address more complicated compositions.
It's my favorite composition/storytelling book. A classic.