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Alfio Parisi
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First time drapery gestureHello,
after watching some videos on folds and drapery I've started doing some gesture drawing to practice it, but got no clue if I'm doing things correctly.
I'm building the mannequin without any timer, then set it to 5 mins for the clothes on top. I'm trying to simplify the folds based off the forms beneath and the tension points that create them.
The first 3 are barely half-way done, then took a break and was able to more on the others.
What do you think?
Should I do drapery on its own first or it's fine to do this?
Is there any tips you have for drapery gesture?
Is gesture even the best way to start with drapery?
Do you have any video or full course you recommend?
Sorry it is a lot of question, but this is all new for me.
Maame Kyei
Hey! I actually ended up attempting this myself and got carried away haha! But yeah firstly I'd say not to go to hard on yourself and ESPECIALLY don't think about your paintings or art as "bad". I think it's more helpful to create a checklist of all the things that help make a piece strong and go down said checklist for example: Proportions, value structure, form, composition, perspective etc. and then ask yourself what could be improved in each category. That way it's more objective, and you know where to go.
I think your painting has a really strong sense of form/dimensionality! However, it could be stronger in terms of proportion/ likeness along with value range.
In terms of being like a pro, I'm not there yet myself, but I think it's partially about being strong in all those things but also being able to add your own touch/ flare/ find ways to have fun with your art and present it in an interesting way.
As you can see, from the beginning, I did my best to focus on the structure of the face and sort of divorce myself from the idea that I am drawing a "face" in a sense. I feel like the proportions could still be stronger, but I did manage to get some form of likeness.
Then immediately, I went into mapping out the main values from darkest to lightest. In the beginning, probably best to stick to around 5 or less. And (this part would probably make sense to you) think about the shapes that each value takes up.
After those main values, I went into the half tones, and then the details. Had a little bit of fun towards the end!
Eh I know there isn't much likeness, but this is the best I can do right now. It's a daily grind on proportions and alignments but it goes quite slowly.
I'm glad you think there is a good sense of 3d because I really worked on it these past months.
Thank you :)
Steve Lenze
Hey Alfio,
I agree with @Kristian Nee, take a deep breath, and don't be so hard on yourself! Having said that, you should feel a little frustrated because it didn't turn out the way you wanted. That is what drives us to get better!
Now, the thing that I noticed right away is that you are making up forms and values that are not in the reference. We have a tendency sometimes to use too much contrast in our values. Look at the value you used to create the bag under the models eye, way too dark and contrasts too much with the light skin around it.
I did a quick paint over your painting. When you compare it to your painting, notice that all I did was lower the contrast in the areas where you used value that was too dark. The only other thing I did was darken the values in the shadows.
In the future, if you are not sure of a value, color pick it from the reference just to see how far off you are. Then you will start to train your eye to see things more realistically.
Trust me buddy I feel your aggravation, I go through it all the time :)
Hey Steve you always take time to answer my posts and do a paint over. Really thanks a lot. Will work on getting values right.
Hey Alfio! The first thing I'd say is don't be so hard on yourself!
This is a good painting, and it definitely is a thing to be proud of. There are some really great things going on in this
The thing I'd say is to organize your values more simply. Right now your values are all over the place. The darkest parts of the face on the referencer art the eyes, eyebrows, nose, and lips. Right now the lips are the darkest part and the nose / eye lids / eye brows are all the same mid value.
Something you might want to do is choose a reference with a wider value range. The one you chose is good for poppy dramatic lighting, but the dark values make some of the shapes hard to interpret.
I posterized the reference in photoshop in three different stages. The 1 value, 2 value mid tones, and multiple value for different tones.
As you can see, the shadow under the nose, eyes and lips are always pretty dark. I think without those dark values it's hard to make the face read.
Now that you pointed it out it is pretty clear. Got to make sure the parts relate properly to one another in their values.
Thank you.
this is the sequel from this post
I think there is improvement from the last time, but can't understand how to move forward. I'm sure to you guys it is obvious, but I just can't see how to improve from here. Like, what's different from the pros? It's stupid but I don't understand why my paintings aren't good.
Please enlighten me :)
Steve Lenze
Hey Alfio,
First, I'll say this is an improvement over the last portrait you painted. The edges between your values are softer and look more natural.
Now some suggestions. I noticed that your drawing is not tilted the same as your reference. Look at the angle of the eyes, that always helps you to see what the tilt of the head is.
It also looks like you are not evaluating the light/ shadow shapes in the reference quite right. It looks like you made up the shadows from your imagination instead of the reference. For example, look at the shadow you put on the side of the nose facing us, that shadow does not exist in the reference, it's actually a light shape.
I did a quick and dirty paint over to show you some of what I mean. Look at the differences between it and yours, and you should see what I mean. I hope this helps you, and again, nice improvement :)
I see. Probably got confused with the light direction at some point.
What do you think should be the next step?
Thank you.
this is a continuation from this post
You guys gave me some suggestions, and just wanted to know if I'm moving in the right direction.
The 2 most important points were to do more accurate drawing and to vary soft and hard edges.
What do you think?
Leandro Alli
I think these looks great, there is a lot of fluidity in the poses and I like how the clothes are being draw along the gesture.
The only thing I would critique is to pay more to attention to the the feet, most of the drawings you nailed it. But the in the second drawing from the first image and mainly the last two from the third images. They look a bit off to me, or you exaggerated to much on the pose.
But overall, great job!
I can't. hahaha. I'm just here to admire your good work. Hope you don't mind.
When it comes to improving my guesture drawing. THIS is what I want to see in my own work.
could you give feedback on these 3 mins gesture drawings please?
Thank you.