First time drapery gesture

Alfio Parisi
after watching some videos on folds and drapery I've started doing some gesture drawing to practice it, but got no clue if I'm doing things correctly.
I'm building the mannequin without any timer, then set it to 5 mins for the clothes on top. I'm trying to simplify the folds based off the forms beneath and the tension points that create them.
The first 3 are barely half-way done, then took a break and was able to more on the others.
What do you think?
Should I do drapery on its own first or it's fine to do this?
Is there any tips you have for drapery gesture?
Is gesture even the best way to start with drapery?
Do you have any video or full course you recommend?
Sorry it is a lot of question, but this is all new for me.
Hey Alfio,
Nice job working on drapery and wrinkles, it will help later on when inventing costumes.
My biggest advise is to use the drapery and wrinkles to show perspective and reveal the form underneath.
Simplifying and knowing the points of tension are also important, as well as gravity, and fabric weight, but perspective and form are the most important.
This means we have to design the drapery to help us create a nice 3 D feeling to the forms.
Keep in mind that material bunches on one side, then stretches on the other. This will help you determine where and where not to put wrinkles.
I did a quick sketch over you drawings to show you what I mean, hope it helps :)