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Another cool project! Some of my seals are a bit sloppy, others - more accurate. Tried my best to capture the rhythm, the energy, the dynamic.
A very good tool for self-correction! Even though I caught (I hope) the energy of the face, there are many mistakes in proportions.
Melanie Scearce
This is a very lovely drawing, and I enjoy seeing your notes on your comparison. I think you captured a very strong energy. Keep it up!
It was difficult for me, especially with the drawing of the eyes. A real frustration, from which I learned something. Large to small and angles, the ratio of proportions - are essential. I still need experience and eye training.
Rachel Dawn Owens
I like the process pics here. You nailed the first part, which is the most important. You may have gotten too tight on details too soon after that. It looks like you got the measurements correct. Good work! Keep up the practice!
I completed the challenge! The hardest part was keeping up and finding interesting objects in my daily routine. Fortunately, spring comes chaotically in Canada and there were many sunny days. And as a result, there was a mix of daily life: hospital, park, store, home, friends. What this exercise taught me is to simplify what I observe, although sometimes I got carried away and lost the proportions. The 2nd thing, to develop a discipline in the already full schedule. 3rd, to try to experiment with other colors. Parallel to this course, I am also developing my drawing skills, something that makes me happy and gives me the energy and inspiration to continue. Thank you! Week 1
I am still studying drawing and this course also teaches me to criticize my older works. I hope to get rid of some mistakes and discover my own style. In order to be fair, the pictures were taken with the phone and the sketches were completed later. Week 2
After viewing the demo and critique video, I went back and corrected my previous attempt. Shapes, not contour. Level 1 and explored level 2. Hope this time is a bit more improved. Had a lot of fun! Any feedback is always welcome!
Exploration of the shapes. As a level 1, was a bit difficult to figure out with that buffalo image. It looked, and still looks a bit weird. Maybe after watching the demo, I will fix it. Also, out of curiosity, tried some of the second level challenge.
Melanie Scearce
I really like what you did with the buffalo! Maybe for the next go around you could try separating the face into two shapes? Just an idea, I think you have some cool stuff here! Keep it up!
Just love the technique of Carter Goodrich (author of the character design from Ratatouille, Hotel Transylvania, Animal Crackers, etc). Some proportions are not quite accurate, still level 1, but I was focusing on weight of the line more. Also, it was a lot of fun to draw those characters. Any feedback will be much appreciated. Thank u
Rachel Dawn Owens
These are so good!!! I think you nailed the line weights and the proportions look fine to me. You could try playing with the fur textures more. It might look like Goodrich is scribbling is random, but there is thought behind it. Notice how he draws fly away hairs in the fur to make the characters more interesting. These are very nice drawings. Keep it up!
Could you tell me pls who is the author? Thx
Not the right proportions, but trying to keep the idea of line weight. Also, I’m level 1, so please don’t judge too harsh :)
First attempt, hope I guessed right the shadow one. Thank you
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