Ary 27 P
Ary 27 P
New York
Want to make a dream come true!
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Ary 27 P
Patrick Bosworth
Nice work! The Spidey-hand is looking great, keep it up!!
Ary 27 P
Ary 27 P
Ary 27 P
Ary 27 P
Asked for help
Ary 27 P
Asked for help
Ary 27 P
Ary 27 P
Melanie Scearce
Your CSI lines look great! Nice job with the simplification. The overall proportion of the boots is a bit squished height-wise. It's a lot to juggle mentally when you're focusing on simplifying the forms, but one thing you could do to help set up the image in proportion is to draw a simple shape that outlines the whole form (both boots). Try to keep the image within the bounds of the shape that you create. Hope that helps :)
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