Activity Feed
Abby Flynn
Picked things up again. First drawing in assigning importance to line weight project. I semi-copied this from an image online in order to practice my lines, hope that’s okay!
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Heya folks! Is it project time again isn't it? I decided not to rush with my post and take my time. You could say I went at a snail's pace for my first drawing... The boots were a challenge! Lots of shapes, big lips, very slim compared to regular shoes. You could say they're bootyful ;)
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Not gonna lie, definitely feels like my worst ones yet lol. I did the boots first, and I felt pretty demotivated as I was drawing them because it felt worse and worse as I kept going.
The snail felt like I did things better when it came to doing the curves than the boots but the end result came out looking off and made me feel pretty "meh" about it.
All in all, I'm not satisfied at all/little bit demotivated with how I did this time around, but I decided to share them anyway.
PS: I know I have LOTS to work on but the one thing I specifically noticed; it's very hard for me to press lightly when using a mechanical pencil and I prefer not to switch to something else. So I'm gonna need to work on my pressure more too.
Don't give up! The boots were really difficult. I had to use my thumb against my computer screen and compare it to my paper to measure first and I laid in a really light outline of where the boots should go on the page. It made things much easier to place later on. I held higher up on my pencil and used my whole arm to do the first really light lines. I hope that helps.
Woah look at those clean lines! I like the little cross lines you used to show the volume of the snail. I’m going to attempt this one tomorrow!
Abby Flynn
Asked for help
Boots. The laces were really difficult 😮💨 I hope I simplified my shapes enough.
Abby Flynn
Day 2: My son eating a waffle. Proportions were way off when I checked back to the photo though…
Yum, waffles. I feel intimidated when I think about trying to draw my son lol. Maybe I should just go for it.
Samantha Maggard
What is a Linear drawing? Or we suppose to focus on line quality and not worry about shading on this daily sketches?
Abby Flynn
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Exercise in drawing funny faces from Andrew Loomis’s Fun with a Pencil :)
Vance Viggiano
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When you can't decide on Level 1 or Level 2.
I thought it might be fun to try it on gray paper.
Everyone's work is inspiring! Happy to be learning with you all!