Alex Aruj
Alex Aruj
Activity Feed
Alex Aruj
Alex Aruj
Alex Aruj
10 hands, 5 min. each. Pushing my boundaries using Krita pencils, shapes, freehand selection mask among others
Alex Aruj
Pretty strong work. There are some ways you could get the cats to stand out more. The lightest areas of the basket seem too bright. It might be that there is space between the wicker of the basket, but it could be distracting. Your dark areas could be darker. I think there is still some canvas showing through. One of the cats ears is folded? It might be neat to see it blocking the other cat partially.
Karla Siejba
thanks! I might have rushed while doing the basket. In the reference picture the cat ear got lost in the other cat's fur, but I still cant paint fur very well. Also, could I do these modifications still? or is there a point were the painting becomes "overworked" like watercolor? Thank you for the reply <3
Alex Aruj
Inspired by "Los Angeles 200: A Bicentennial Celebration" by Art Seidenbaum and photos by John Malmin - aerial view of Palos Verdes p. 25 Buffalo on Catalina Island p. 48, Hay Bales in San Fernando Valley p. 35, Ships in LA Harbor p. 205, and Sheep at Calabasas p. 64
Janna van Vliet
First of! I LOVE your highlander cows! I love how your boat picture has this sea that glides into sky! Do you have the references?
I would love any feedback on this, I’m trying to simplify this image in my mind for this challenge. I keep wanting to add the rocks in on the left, but I don’t know if they help or hurt. I’m leaning toward getting rid of them in keeping with the simplification part of this challenge.
Alex Aruj
The high contrast rocks banking off the banks and guiding my eye toward the horizon feel the best composition to me
Alex Aruj
Hi! Here are my thumbnails: What is working / not working for you? Thanks for your feedback! These are inspired by "Los Angeles 200 A Bicentennial Celebration" by Art Seidenbaum and photos by John Malmin
I like how vibrant the colors are. The cows look like they have been rendered well, but the negative space between the head of the one on the left and the rump of the one on the right feels sharp and a little bossy to me. And the hill behind them is a bit ambiguous, I can’t tell if it’s a mountain, or a shore line. If it’s a mountain/cliff, then a horizon would help unambiguate. If it’s a shoreline, then fading to a cooler tone near the top might help. i really like the colors on the ships, and the punchiness of the white cloud in the third one. The fourth one feels a little flat, I think it’s because the tree trunk is the same thickness from ground to branches, and the three bales of hay closest to the viewer seem the same size. Maybe exaggerating the size of the nearest one will make the perspective come alive? The sheep is probably my favorite, though the houses in the distance dwarf the forest, so they feel to be out of scale. Those sheep in the foreground are soft and moody, which I love.
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