What Are The Fundamentals? Draftsmen S1E04

Draftsmen Podcast

Season 1(29 Lessons )

What Are The Fundamentals? Draftsmen S1E04

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What Are The Fundamentals? Draftsmen S1E04

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Stan and Marshall talk about the fundamentals all artists need to learn to become talented draftsmen. The basic elements of picture making. Stan and Marshall show off their favorite art books. A caller wants to know how he can improve drawing from imagination and Stan’s “thang” is finally something that isn’t from his Amazon Wishlist! Huzzah!!!

“Draftsmen” is available in audio. Subscribe on these platforms to keep up to date:



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Stan’s Book Recommendations

The Basic Elements

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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
I Write, I Draw, I Teach
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