The Nose
The Nose
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The Nose

Marco Bucci
The nose is like a mountain landscape sitting atop the cheekbone bedrock. It has very complex planes, including some very lesser-understood side planes. The nose is the feature with the most planes, to let's learn it!
ivan navarro
hello, i am confused, at around 05:45 Marco said the septum is lower than the wings of the nose , but at 21:10, He said the wings sit lower than the septum . i feel there is a mistake at the latter time .
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Exactly, I was going to point the same and found your comment. The wing of the nose is lower than the tip of the nose, but not lower than the septum. I, too, think the 21.10 one is a mistake as the nose looks weird, too.
Gannon Beck
My notes on the nose.
mostafa deif
I reached the nose section and i can say that this is one of the best if not the best course i took covering face construction. …. Thank you marco i really hope you do more courses covering full body anatomy and other art subjects…. I will definitely be interested in any of your courses now on
Gaby Watson
Love ‘sad face rhythm’ - Thanks Marco, these lessons are really great, I’m learning a lot!
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About instructor
Marco Bucci began serious study of art when he was 19. He began with drawing fundamentals for 3 years before discovering a love for painting.
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