ivan navarro
ivan navarro
Activity Feed
Andre Chris-Sargent
Artists mentioned In order, featured starred Honore Daumier* Carter Goodrich* Frank Frazetta* Heinrich Kley* Andreas Deja J.C. Leyendecker* Norman Rockwell* Alphonse Mucha* T.S. Sullivant* Chris Anderson Hans Bacher* Rune Brandt Bennicke* Carlos Grangel* Charley Harper* Jack Davis* Jamie Hewlett* Peter DeSeve* Mort Drucker* Craig Kellman* Nico Marlet* Milt Kahl* Bill Presing* Shane Prigmore* Ragnar (of Ragnarama) (Brandon Ragnar Johnson?)* Alberto Ruiz* Stephen Silver* Tim Burton* Sergio Toppi* Robert Valley* Harald Siepermann* Claire Wendling*
ivan navarro
exactly what was needed , thank you !!
ivan navarro
hello, i am confused, at around 05:45 Marco said the septum is lower than the wings of the nose , but at 21:10, He said the wings sit lower than the septum . i feel there is a mistake at the latter time .
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Exactly, I was going to point the same and found your comment. The wing of the nose is lower than the tip of the nose, but not lower than the septum. I, too, think the 21.10 one is a mistake as the nose looks weird, too.
ivan navarro
Hello, i used to watch Stan´s anatomy videos all the time, but it was more than year ago. And i don´t want to forget my anatomy knowledge. I am trying to commit myself to practice everyday now. This is the first draw i made. Any sugestion would help me. Also , as a way of making it a routine and force myself i want to stream my daily progress at https://www.twitch.tv/van_el_terrible. If anyone want to come and check it.
ivan navarro
" The lone bagabond, the last hope in a lawless land ruled by animals. Our hero roams the empty remnants of this world, always ready to end tyranny wherever he goes, asking for anything in return. Those whom he saves only know him as ... The Road Horse." Hello, I am Ivan, it was a lot of fun making this and participating in the challenge, is the first time i take part in the Proko´s community , hope you like it people. Best regards.
Draco Artn
Nice job with a flow
ivan navarro
hi! , so where do we upload the photos with our results?? thanks
Andrew Joseph Keith
I’ve done a topic pose in the “sculpture 3D” section that you can find there or on my profile and respond with a comment then add the photos
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