Solving Creative Blocks - Draftsmen S3E35

Draftsmen Podcast

Season 3(38 Lessons )

Solving Creative Blocks - Draftsmen S3E35

Mark as Completed

Solving Creative Blocks - Draftsmen S3E35

Mark as Completed
Stan Prokopenko
Next time you’re facing art block, try out some of these tips to unlock your creativity and keep moving forward!
Pamela D
Great final episode guys - i will keep following you both ( ooo creepy and VERY MAYBE )
Ernesto Palma
I took a ton of notes, both from this one and the first part of this podcast episode revolving on hinderance to creativity. I actually carried out some of the tips and wrote down what is influencing me, what is holding me back, where I stand on my knowledge of fundamentals, and it was really eye-opening. Those who take the time to actually put the tips you guys have scattered across all the draftsmen episodes, I feel, can get a lot out of it. Taking notes and pausing, rewinding, it´s all about taking more than just having draftsmen Podcast as enjoyable background noise while drawing lol. Although, if it at least sparked someone´s interest to not pay attention, wonder off and just start drawing, you could still say SOMETHING was achieved. I really enjoyed learning and practicing while listening to the podcast for the past several months, and many things have become more clear. Things not just about technique and careers based around art, but also things like the purpose of why we even do this thing they call "art". Thanks so much for the joy you bunch shared with us. I sure hope there´s more to come in one way or another.
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
I Write, I Draw, I Teach
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