this is real good. the area to concentrate on is the lips. everyone seems to have trouble with them. They can't look cut out or pasted on. Soften those lips
That's where I am right now. I have to do it in stages over many days. My problem is that part of it is dry, and part of it is sticky. Some parts look dull, while others are shiny. I have no experience with oils. Is that normal and if not, what can I do about it? Thanks for your guidance.
HI Morgan,
I'm not even close to this stage yet, but I wanted to watch the first painting all the way through so I would have some idea where we were headed. Now I have a question. It seems you painted this guy in one session. What if we need to spread out sessions out over the course of several days and the paint begins to dry? Should we aim to set aside a good chunk of time for this, or can spread it out over a few days?
Award winning fine artist represented by @legacygalleryart in Scottsdale AZ
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This is part three of a long demonstration breaking down adding color and subtle shapes.
The assignment will be to follow along and post your work here.
Reference in the "Grid drawing" lesson of this course.