Gesture Study from Photo Demo
Gesture Study from Photo Demo
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Figure Sculpting Fundamentals

Capturing Gesture

Gesture Study from Photo Demo


Gesture Study from Photo Demo

Andrew Joseph Keith
This time, I'll show you how I study gesture using photos!
Zeina Baron
Hello!Thanks for your advice. These are my assignments, I am your new student your critique are welcome! Thanks in advance 🙏
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! great gesture studies! keep going!
Isaiah Herron
Below is my attempt, using the same reference photo as you did. Honest critiques are welcome. This is only my third attempt at sculpting. My apologies for the poor photo quality and angle. I'm working with an android here.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey great job posting your work! Keep it up! Every sculpt will get a little better.
Dan B
Here's my first attempt at sculpting on the armature. Tried to get the gesture without focusing too much on anatomy. Took around 45 minutes. Reference: I think I should have brought the lower ribcage out a bit more.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! Fun pose. Good gesture study.
AJ Nouri
Hey @Andrew Joseph Keith , The armature and the sculpture with clay:
Andrew Joseph Keith
Looking good! It feels like it might be getting a little too bulky so you might try thinning the torso and hips down a bit. Keep it up!
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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