Drawing Complex Objects from Memory with Peter Han
Drawing Complex Objects from Memory with Peter Han
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Drawing Complex Objects from Memory with Peter Han

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Drawing Complex Objects from Memory with Peter Han

Course In Progress

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Learn how Peter Han draws a locomotive from imagination without reference. In this lesson, he demonstrates his approach to sketching complex subjects by:

  • Planning the sketch through mental visualization and hand gestures to map out composition.
  • Establishing proportions using ground lines and simple shapes to lay the foundation.
  • Constructing views, starting with a side view to understand proportions, then moving to a three-quarter angle.
  • Adding details efficiently by focusing on big shapes, using landmarks, and applying shadows and hatching.
  • Emphasizing the role of muscle memory and observation in drawing confidently from imagination.

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I Write, I Draw, I Teach
Entertainment designer, instructor, and illustrator. He graduated from Art Center, and has had a successful career working in games, film and TV
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