Demo 1 - Value Composition Thumbnails - Level 1

Course In Progress

Demo 1 - Value Composition Thumbnails - Level 1

Course In Progress

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In this lesson, we explore how to use thumbnail studies to experiment with value composition. Starting with a basic thumbnail close to the reference photo, we focus on simplifying the major shapes and value groups. We then create variations by adjusting values in different areas—changing the value of the subject's shirt, modifying the background and hair values, and emphasizing elements like the hands through value changes.

We also experiment with cropping and composition, adjusting framing to see how it affects the overall image. Through these studies, we learn how altering values, shapes, and cropping can dramatically change the focus and feel of a piece.

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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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