Assignment - Sculpting the Simplified Body
Assignment - Sculpting the Simplified Body
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Figure Sculpting Fundamentals

Assignment - Sculpting the Simplified Body


Assignment - Sculpting the Simplified Body


Revisit the simplified head, rib cage, and pelvis lessons and submit your completed assignments here before the end of July for a chance to be featured in an upcoming critique video. 

Jose Ardern
I finally finished jeni's sculpture, thank you very much for the classes, I hope soon to continue advancing in the lessons that I have left.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Well done! Way to finish! Finishing what you start is a huge part of being a successful artist. Keep up the great work! I look forward to seeing more.
Jose Ardern
I decided to take advantage of the simplified body sculpt and work on it, this is the progress so far. Thanks to what I learned in the simplified body lessons, I can feel how it's been easier to achieve the posture and establish a good base for the proportions. This has sped up the process, although it's also very different from how I worked before.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey this is looking great! I like seeing the structure of the underlying forms and it shows in the more developed sculpt where the structure and anatomy feels solid. Really impressive work!
Jose Ardern
measurements: cranial unit (4 cm) I made the head and ribcage in the armature, so it was quite difficult to keep the proportions and symmetry so I tried to make the pelvis apart and then place it in the armature making it easier.
Andrew Joseph Keith
this is looking great! very well done and the proportions look spot on! the pelvis might taper more towards the bottom. keep up the great work!
Broke the 3 forms into individual pieces, then made some more on an actual armature.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey Looking GREAT! This is exactly what I like to see! Keep it up!
Helen Huang
My attempt:)
Andrew Joseph Keith
Great! super fun!
Ellen Deilkås
Andrew Joseph Keith
Great job! keep it up!
Ellen Deilkås
The cranial unit size is 1,5 inches. It seems that the head and rib cage is rather large. I have used Irinav636 as reference for the pose. Thanks for very helpful lessons.
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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