21st Century Professionals
21st Century Professionals
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21st Century Professionals

Course In Progress

21st Century Professionals

Course In Progress

What's in Premium?

Discover how early 21st-century artists blend traditional and digital techniques to enhance their work. Learn from Wes Wheeler's approach of sketching before and after 3D modeling to experiment efficiently. See how Polina Hristova combines hand drawing with 3D programs to create custom references, emphasizing the importance of mastering the basics. Explore Vance Kovacs' use of digital tools to test compositions and perspectives, understand Israel Sanchez's methods of applying traditional and whimsical perspectives to achieve different effects, and see how Dan Fraga demonstrates drawing without any planning, showcasing his skill developed over years in comics. This lesson highlights the value of learning perspective and building a strong foundation to unlock your artistic potential.

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I Write, I Draw, I Teach
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