Three roosters - which is your favourite ?
Harmony Steel
I’m so sick of this poor rooster, but I’m sure he’s even more sick of me 😂 I have painted the same rooster (reference attached) three times now in three different styles. I’d love to hear any critiques, and which rooster (if any) is your favourite?
I like the first one!
Wow thank you SO much for all your feedback everyone I’m very grateful! I’ve gone through all your comments and jotted down the things I need to improve and also which rooster was the favourite - turns out it was the first one with the painterly 3D oil paints which I painted in ArtSet, and which ironically was also the one I had by far the most fun with 😁
the other two were painted in Procreate and the least favourite rooster (number two) was also my least favourite rooster to paint!
I will make some updates to rooster 1 and 3 and post here again. Thank you 🌸
Rooster 1 (3D oil paints)
* Background needs to contrast better with the subject
* Expressive eye and head is good
* Rhythm between curve of neck and arch of tail and chest is pleasing
* Draw feet - hint of weird little bird toes in the grass :)
* Add some of the softness from the third rooster
* Good color harmony and edges
* Simpler background with less vivid colors would help rooster stand out
Rooster 2 (underpaint method)
Votes - I
Rooster 3 (bright background)
Votes - IIIII
* Add shadow
* Improve background at horizon line
* Background colors are good but desaturate a bit
* Consider a background color already found in the subject
* Improve rendering of head (less stylized)
Glad to see the first one moving forward~ It was also my favorite, the colors seemed nice and rich and I loved that highlight at the start of the tail feathers, the rendering of the eye, and the bold contrast of the blue and gold feathers by the belly.
The brushstrokes are really excellent in the first one! It has a wonderful abstract quality that makes me want to keep looking at it, and it just looks like you had a lot of fun painting it.
I like the last one. The first one has more expressive strokes but when u squint it wont pop. The last can be improve by adding the shadow.
I like the body of the 3rd and the head of the first plus the feet of the second. The personality of the first is the best, and it feels the most believable as a living creature
These are all great! I love the texture in your first one, the blending in the second one and the colors in your third. Probably not the help you were looking for... ;)
It is my preference of background that leads me to enjoy the second more as the texture of the foreground and background in the first vibrate equally.
This may be a good thing though, I would not discredit it on one opinion alone but maybe think about what you may intend to push forward as the "theme" if you would like to have such fun vibrations in texture. I feel he is blending in with a hedge maze in a fun way ahaha I enjoy it, but whether it is the desired intention or a happy accident, only you may determine. <3
The third has great color harmony. It adds an emotion. I feel it has the most character from a distance, but I would still see the background defined a tad more at the horizon line. Again, a preference only.
It's evident you learned from each as you went. Great studies!
I pick 2 as my favorite but it is quite hard to settle on just one. Each are quite unique.
Thanks Marshall 😁 I have updated the background on the third rooster as you suggested is this better?
Last one because the color works better and the tail dynamics and body rendering looks the best, overall best rooster 🐓 :>. The third one, perspective is off on the box the rooster is standing on. 2nd one, the green is a bit saturated and dark and doesn't contrast well with the subject.
I like the most the first one. The neck seems to be flat, even concave but the head and especially the eye is very expressive.
They all have their good points, but I think the first one is my favorite! The rhythm between the curve of his neck and the arch of his tail and chest are very pleasing. Plus, there's a nice pop of color with his bright red comb. I think if I were to make a suggestion, it'd be... draw the feet!
It looks like he's in grass, so it'd make sense for some of his toes to be covered, but I think just a suggestion of those weird little bird toes would be a nice touch :)
Thanks Galactic 😁🌸 that one is my favourite as well and it was the most fun to paint. I’m not very good at bird feet but I tried to draw some in...
First off these are really great! My gut reaction is the first one. It has such nice movement through out the piece ala Van Gogh, and the natural texture of the paint captured in the photo really makes it pop. Props to you for doing it 3 times!
I like the first one the most! The strokes and color transitions are nicely done. I feel like if you took some of the softness of the third rooster and combined it with the bold brushwork of the first you'd get a really nice effect and balance of texture.
I really like the last one the colors in the background is the most pleasing to my eyes @_@
My favorite is the first.. I think the color harmony is the strongest in it as well as the edges between strokes. Gorgeous.
Probably the best one is the third but i really like the way you used the strokes in the firsth, using them for give it volume and suggesting the flowing of the feathers, the issue here are the backround that have the same richness of the figure, overelming it. I think a simpler background, perhaps with wider backgrounds and less vivid colours, would help the cockerel figure stand out.
The third one is better because you keep it simplier achiving a better tridimensionality (i wrote it rght?) also i like the way you changed the colours from the reference photo, making the figure look fresher and more attractive, I think was a good decision. You should just put a little more effort in the rendering of the head, that appear too stylized compared whit the richness of the tail. In this one maybe using lighter, desaturated colours (in the background) would help the figure stand out better, and a hint of shadow at his feet would also be nice to give him a spatial location. (I hope I have expressed myself correctly, English is not my primary language and I have some problems with technical language)
Thanks Serena, you are so skilled at animals I really appreciate your feedback! 🌸🌸🌸 I’ve tried to soften and desaturate the background of the first rooster, and I’ve reworked the head on the third one plus added a shadow, are these versions better? Also your English is perfect 👍
I like different things in each. All of them are very accurate and well painted. I think I like the first one best.
I like the first one for the richness of colour and textured strokes, but I think the background is a bit saturated, see my (quick) subtle adjustment attached to demonstrate.
Also, for some inspiration, check out Tarran Fiddler's version of this type of rooster (see the bottom pictures on that page, I don't know why he posted a toned-down version at the top). I came across it ages ago and have since been following Tarran's work on Arstation, he has a style and subject matter I really like:
Thanks Dan!! I’ve tweaked the background on that rooster as best I can is this better? Thanks for the link too, what an incredible artist, that rooster of his reminds me more of a dragon that a chicken, amazing.
i think i like the last one best because it stands out really prettily as the colours in the foreground are contrasting those in the background
The one with the pink ground plane is my favourite. I really like the treatment of its feathers. But the pink ground feels a bit out of place. Similar to interior design and fashion, I like to use colours already established in the painting. For instance if that pink or something close to it was already used then it be feel more in place.
Thanks Mac! I’ve tweaked the background colors a little is this version better? I tried to pull in more of the brown and green from the feathers.