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Loot Rabbit
One thing to consider is that you can take those basic perspectives and then, instead of having the edges spoke-wheeling towards the vanishing points, define a box larger than the object you are drawing and think of it like an iso-cage-mesh. Sculpt inwardly on the box and have the item in correct space, but not so uniform. Organic things are less linear, so by turning the items at various angles like a messy room, you create a liveliness that is dynamic. Practice this outside of the drawing space by arranging simple kitchen items on your table. Some items put into a geometric linearity as if it is following the grid pattern. Then arrange some things at 45 degree angles or less or more to break up that pattern. If you have seen footage of video game engines, imagine the bounding boxes that meshes occupy. Imagine your drawing in this way. You will arrange the perspective in a euclidean grid of some sort, but then you will carve INTO the box that defines its bounding box. That is what I meant in the first few sentences. Dynamic things are often angular so if you break up the linear regularity, it will naturally become dynamic. Keeping things within perspective means obeying the linearity in so much as you can concept the bounding box itself. It's a bit of interplay between these concepts, but I hope it helps! Kim Jung Gi does this VERY well in how fluid he morphs into a gridded reality of x,y,z and plays with shapes like gum in his mind. Check out every video you can on this site and interviews they have done with him. It will perhaps formulate mentally over time. "Iso-cage" here is a very good keyword to look into. <3 Great question!
Loot Rabbit
check out the perspective videos on this site*
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