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Skull Practice + thing
I drew some skulls and I think they turned out nice. I also have some questions, if I want to do portrait do I need to know the difference between male and female skulls, can I move on to Anatomy with this level of gesture drawing, and how can I improve my shading skills
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Probably could've done better on the proportions
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Structure Practice
Some structure practice. I tried drawing it a bit more boxy this time. Definitley needs a lot more work but I don't think it looks horrible. I think I might want to work on arm/leg anatomy along the side, or adding hand/feet to my structure. Thanks a lot,
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Structure practice
Some structure (I think). Probably should have stuck to boxes so that it's more rigid.
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I've been trying to make gestures less stiff, mostly by trying to do them faster. I still think they look pretty stiff but definitely I think I've been getting better.
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Figure Drawing Critique
Gesture with some anatomy. I've been slowly trying to add anatomy to my drawings. It looks slightly off to me though for some reason. Critiques greatly appreciated!
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