Recent sketches and doodles
Paul Olsen
lately I haven’t been drawing as much as I want to, but still, the papers pile up! Here is a big mess of mannequinisation, half finished sketches and even a couple of finished ones:) Some drawn from photo references, some from a mannequin doll and some from imagination. General tips are most welcome!
Asked for help
Hello everyone. I am new here and want some advice on how to progress in anatomy and perspective.
Specifically for perspective you should really check out the Drawabox course! I know the creator of the course is on here but I don't know if the course itself is but thats not a big problem cause the course is free on Drawabox is where I got my start and it's my favorite resource so far and good luck on your journey
I would suggest taking an art class somewhere. In my opinion I think the structure of a class can help someone with where to start and also the feedback from an instructor or classmates that can be right next to you is really beneficial.
If the possibility of taking a course in person somewhere isn’t feasible don’t worry, there are a lot of other places that can help you. is nice to learn perspective
and here on this site you can find a lot of anatomy lessons of course from Proko!
there is a thread somewhere on the site with some really good books as well, I want to say it’s pinned to the top of one of the sections.
One thing for sure though is to draw, draw, draw. Jump into it. Go watch the anatomy proko videos and do the assignments. Draw from life! Do perspective assignments. Design a room in 2 point perspective. Design boxes in all different directions and perspectives.
Post here for feedback or find other likeminded art people around you.
These are great studies, you obviously have a good idea about the structure of the body. I think what might help you is some practice in gesture drawings to make your poses look more natural since they are a bit stiff. This might be from the way you start your poses if you use simplified shapes, I personally start with the action line and move from there. There is a video that I learned gesture drawing from on Proko in the Figure Drawing Course, or you can look at the free version on Youtube which is just as helpful. I wish you luck in your art aspirations!
I think these look great and I definitely see more of a sense of "cube and cylinder" construction here over the more contour stuff you posted earlier. Very cool! Keep going with defining those big shapes, I have found that the more I understand how to move those shapes in space the easier building heroic scenes is becoming.
You mentioned heads and I think the Asaro head is great, but I'd also suggest checking out pg. 89 of "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way" for heads. It's a bit of a simpler breakdown than Asaro and has been a huge help for me. I attached a photo of the page, but if you don't have a copy of the book I'd say it's a "must read" for comic book art and I go back to it all the time. :)
It's cool to see all this, @Paul Olsen. Seems you've been relatively comfortable drawing structured figures from imagination! I guess a few loose gestures might help nicely complement a batch of sketches like this. And, in case you're up for something to move on to now, I'd say getting to a deeper level of head anatomy would probably be an awesome addition to your current skillset.
Also, gotta say, the Environmentalist reminded me a lot of Captain Planet - whoa, I liked that show so much as a kid! :D
Never heard of captain planet, but it looks like a cool character😎
Yes, the features of the head is really hard for me. I feel like I have a fairly good grasp of the initial head construction (I could be wrong...), but to get the features right I probably need to study the minor planes more, and especially nose construction. Maybe I should focus on that for a while. Any tips? Just draw this 3D model over and over from different angles?