Recent sketches and doodles
Paul Olsen
lately I haven’t been drawing as much as I want to, but still, the papers pile up! Here is a big mess of mannequinisation, half finished sketches and even a couple of finished ones:) Some drawn from photo references, some from a mannequin doll and some from imagination. General tips are most welcome!
Asked for help
Hello everyone. I am new here and want some advice on how to progress in anatomy and perspective.
These are great studies, you obviously have a good idea about the structure of the body. I think what might help you is some practice in gesture drawings to make your poses look more natural since they are a bit stiff. This might be from the way you start your poses if you use simplified shapes, I personally start with the action line and move from there. There is a video that I learned gesture drawing from on Proko in the Figure Drawing Course, or you can look at the free version on Youtube which is just as helpful. I wish you luck in your art aspirations!
I think these look great and I definitely see more of a sense of "cube and cylinder" construction here over the more contour stuff you posted earlier. Very cool! Keep going with defining those big shapes, I have found that the more I understand how to move those shapes in space the easier building heroic scenes is becoming.
You mentioned heads and I think the Asaro head is great, but I'd also suggest checking out pg. 89 of "How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way" for heads. It's a bit of a simpler breakdown than Asaro and has been a huge help for me. I attached a photo of the page, but if you don't have a copy of the book I'd say it's a "must read" for comic book art and I go back to it all the time. :)
It's cool to see all this, @Paul Olsen. Seems you've been relatively comfortable drawing structured figures from imagination! I guess a few loose gestures might help nicely complement a batch of sketches like this. And, in case you're up for something to move on to now, I'd say getting to a deeper level of head anatomy would probably be an awesome addition to your current skillset.
Also, gotta say, the Environmentalist reminded me a lot of Captain Planet - whoa, I liked that show so much as a kid! :D