Please can anyone give feedback
Anubhav Saini
I would like to seek feedback on perspective
I like the tower a lot. It's a cool design. The basic form is a cylinder (this is a great lesson to brush up on cylinders in perspective: Overall you did a great job following the perspective, but I think some of the contours that are further away feel a bit flat. As the tower increases in height, the width of the ellipse that represents the contour will increase also. At the horizon line it will be perfectly flat in line with the viewer.
Here I tried to improve it a bit by working on the minaret also I worked on the benches and the overall perspective
Thank you very much for your feedback also like when drawing landscapes all the objects are in different perspectives(like different vanishing point) etc so I was having difficulty drawing them should we draw all those objects seperately or how to draw a landscape when all the objects are in different vanishing point...