Need Critique!! (Robo Bean)

Hello, I’ve been doing some robo beans and I need feedback. They just don’t feel right to me. I’m mostly concerned about the angles of my pelvises, are they correct? Should I exaggerate these forms more? Is the perspectives of the boxes correct? Feedback is definitely appreciated!
Not sure completely, but I feel that with the ladies you give them a bottom part that is about twice as thick as their chest (no breasts included). I think that in this model the width of the back and the width of the pelvis area (not adding too much of the buttocks yet) is nearly the same. The waist is thinner.
Thank you for the feedback! So I guess I need to make my drawings more proportionally accurate? I guess since Stan said in the tutorial videos that "The pelvis on a female model is wider than the males" I took that advice and ran with it. I felt like I needed to properly display the difference in models, but I went overboard. I will try and draw the proportions more accurate to the reference itself!
I think they all look good except the last pelvis may have too much of an anterior tilt, she looks a little more upright than yours, but NOT by much.
I see where you're coming from!I tried to exaggerate the form but I guess I might have went overboard. Thank you for the feedback!
These are actually pretty good. The one thing you need to pay attention to is how wide some of the planes are, in particular with the pelvis. Also, make sure you are accounting for the tilts forward or backwards of the torso.
I did some sketches to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Thank you so much! I think that is what has felt “wrong” for me! I felt like I wasn’t fully capturing the forms and now I can see why, i appreciate it!