Need a critique! (Feedback)

Hello. I made a New Year’s resolution to draw more this year. Right now I’m on the robo bean exercise. I need some feedback on my current ones I have attempted. What can I do better? What’s not working? Feedback is appreciated!
These are tricky but you're doing a good job. On that last pose, her shoulders are protracted so that will increase the width of the top of the box. She's also rounding her back as she's protracting her shoulders. I think your drawing is pretty accurate, it looks like you're showing a bit too much of the top plane of the pelvis box. This is how I would solve it.
I appreciate it so much! I literally sat for an hour drawing and redrawing that pose and couldn’t crack it. This is so helpful .
Asked for help
I would especially like help about the last pose. I have no idea how to draw that one. In the end I got frustrated and just went with what you see there, but it doesn’t feel right, can someone assist?