Looking for critique- gesture

My gesture drawing are trash. My basic thickness isn't going as planned it doesn't look good, i catch the gesture(flow) but the my proportions are below ground. What should I do? It kind of depressing
Please 🥺 help. And i am not sure i should move to bean.
I have been doing this for a month
I think you need to focus on how the weight is being distributed within the bean, thinning the beans frame first and don’t be afraid of layering the body parts in the foreground and background
Gesture is really hard cause it's simplifying the figure into it's most basic elements; often simplification is harder than making things look complicated. This is kinda depressing to say, but depending on how fast you learn, your first few hundred gestures will be bad. I know it seems kinda crushing but like Marshall said in the gesture critique video you just gotta power through them.
Studying only gesture for a month is definitely sufficient. You should move onto the bean. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFB7deiL-3s&t=325s. As Stan says in this video, if you wait before you master a topic till you move onto the next you're gonna be doing gesture for 10 years. You should not wait till you fully master gesture cause that will just take too long. Even if you don't completely grasp the current topic, you should move onto the next. The course is designed so that the previous topic builds on the next, practicing the bean will improve your gestures significantly. I know it did that for me. Good luck with your practice.
I don't believe in this starting with the gesture and then move on. I got better by drawing drawing drawing these anatomies: https://www.pinterest.se/pin/498492252517623759/. So you get the feeling where things should be. I just trying to train basic shapes.
Then when you have this you will get better with gestures. Here is my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/harry_cc/
gesture is hard, and putting it as the first step is challenging cause it requires a whole different way of viewing the figure. Im still semi new so take my advice with a grain of salt but It looks like you're focusing on the individual parts of the body ie. shin, thigh, etc.. zoom out and find looong C,S, I shapes. Be patient :) when i started i found moving onto the bean helped me a lot cause it helped learn to see the body in a new, way. keep up the good work <3
Hey tejasm,
I know gesture can be frustrating, but it is essential to doing a good drawing later on. This is what I am seeing in your drawing:
You are segmenting the body and loosing the flow and gesture as a result.
You are probably using your wrist to draw these, you need to use your whole arm, from the shoulder.
You need to find and "S" or "C" shaped line to describe the pose from top to bottom.
You need to relate all the gesture lines to each other. The head lines up with the torso, leg, food. Or the arms line up to create a swooping gesture.
I did some quick sketches that I hope will help you understand what I mean, hope it helps :)