Looking for critique - digital painting
Natali Santini
I am looking for critique on this digital painting I finished about two weeks ago.
Anything that could be improved, anything that looks strange, any suggestions on how to improve... I will be very grateful for any of your feedback!
And please be brutally honest, I can handle it. :D
Thank you!
Hey, @Natali Santini!
I agree with @Lydia Chase too, pretty nice mood and storytelling! I love how you’re working the set dressing with so many objects and the way they are positioned. I also love how the depiction of the moment creates tension: we wanna get into the story and peek at what she’s about to find behind that door.
I also agree with @Renee Reinhardt about maybe elongating the cast shadows, since the lantern seems like the only light source in the scene. As for the color choices, I see it as artistic license for the way the light should work - yes, in reality, the color of the light really pushes the objects’ local colors, and variations would go broader than what you’ve used; but, since composition and storytelling usually weigh more than realistic precision when it comes to illustration, if you have a conceptual reason for choosing this particular set of colors for your painting, I wouldn’t say it’s a problem.
One more thing I notice is that her left arm might be feeling a bit too forced and unnatural by being so straight upward, since the lantern doesn’t seem to be such a light object (pun unintended, sorry! 😅) and given that she is not supporting any body weight on her other arm, just on her legs. Did you try sketching other possibilities for the pose? Maybe the lantern-holding arm would bend just a little or, I don’t know, maybe she could be sitting on her heels a bit more and bend+twist her torso a little to reach for the door handle, or perhaps she would have put the lantern down on the floor to use that left arm to give some extra support on the ground while she frees her right hand to open the door as she’s doing. Just a few thoughts - there could be other ways though!
Hope this helps.
If you have any questions or want to discuss anything further, please just let me know!
Keep up the good work! 👍
Hi @Liandro !
Thank you for your critique!
I just have a question about the colors - what is the biggest issue that is making them look unrealistic? Is it that the local colors are pushed way too much towards the light source? So that I know what to focus on next time!
Thank you for the pose advice - next time I am going to make more variations of a pose and think it through more.
And I have one more question - is it better to fix some of the mistakes in a painting or just move on to new paintings with all the pitfalls in mind?
Thank you once mroe!
I agree with Lydia, but will expand on my impression. In addition to overall liking your subject and composition, definitely good, my first thought was to look for the bounce of reflected light, like from the floor under her bosom or her chin. It's subtle, but here, it would really enhance. You have already done a lot of effort on your light, but it also casts deeper shadows, too. Look to play up colors even in shadow values. Light isn't just orange, but a hue of lighter value of what object it is revealing, too.
Thank you for your feedback! I completely forgot about the reflective light coming from the floor, thank you for pointing that out.
Hi Natali! The biggest strengths I see are the ways that lighting and color create a tangible mood. The storytelling is strong and I want to dive into the painting lol! I think any kinks in perspectives sorta add to your style and will be worked out with time and practice. Overall a very strong foundation.
The areas I see that could use improvement is creating a separation between the forms. Linework could do this but also creating contrast along the edges of shapes can help build definition. I think using a greater variety of brush textures and blending brushes would improve your work instantly! It has the generic digital smudge blender look that certainly gets the job done, but you lose a lot of character in all those beautiful color gradients. Hope this helps!
Hi Natali!
I've been trying out a new way of giving feedback using an online whiteboarding app. I hope it's helpful and not too overwhelming. You can check it out here: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOzUFsDQ=/
Hi Tim!
Thank you so much! That is a very in-depth and an incredibly helpful critique. I really really appreciate it.
The Only thing i would tweak is the contrast to shift the focus more towards the person with the lantern. you can do that via lightning or/and color. i attached a quick example, you of course would need to tweak it more to make it look good. i pushed it to far :)
Thank you for your feedback! I am noticing that I tend to not make the contrast between the lights and the darks big enough. I am going to keep an eye out on that from now on.