Learning/Drawing with a injury
I have been taking the drawing fundamentals course and started the new perspective course. I am a beginner, just learning to draw for myself. Last week I ruptured the tendon in my bicep of my drawing arm (rock climbing, not drawing). This week I had surgery to repair it. My arm is probably going to be out of commission for a couple of months. I can just pause everything and pick it up again once I am able to. I could keep watching the videos, but leaving the projects till later. Maybe I could try drawing with my left hand (sort of kidding, sort of not). Any advice on what to do with my courses until I am able to draw again? Has anyone else had to learn or practice drawing without being able to use their arm? Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated.
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Oh no! I hope you heal well and quickly! Maybe you could take some of your recovery time to look at things that inspire you, like other artists or photos or books? I have a joint condition that means I sometimes have to take it easy and instead of overdoing it I like to take the time to "fill the creative well" - even if it's just browsing Pinterest or watching a few YouTube videos. Drawing with the other hand is absolutely an option, I've even seen it used by art teachers to help people loosen up - I sometimes shade with my non-dominant hand which is a useful skill if you are using smudgy media or you can't rotate your work.
Dedee Anderson Ganda
I dont have experience injury with drawing hand yet, but my advice is probably to keep your enthusiasm with drawing stay intact but not so much that you hate your current situation for impending it. The reason because habit is usually developed after 30 days, since you cannot draw at the moment, you will need to rewire your brain to that habit again after recovery, which might be harder after the absent of the act. One suggestion is to watch Proko's draftsmen podcast once in a while or everyday (I'm guilty of playing draftsmen on the background while working to keep me motivated xD), their talks are extremely motivating to me. Best of luck and hope you recover soon!! We are both in the perspective course together, so I'll be looking forward pushing through them with you and the others! ^^
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