Is buying Drawing Basics worth it?

I got a little money and I was thinking about buying it to start. I'm a complete beginner but part of me thinks spending about $140 for a basics course when I could get something like that for free seems iffy to me.
I want to see the best in people like Stan, and maybe he knows how to really cut things down and make beginners like me go from absolute shit to pretty good. At the same time, 140 is a lot of money especially since I don't have a job.
btw also struggle with artblock, untreatable ADHD, and other issues. Even getting the motivation to pick up the pencil and draw is hard enough, let alone believing I would get anywhere soon.
Assuming you already had this question answered but because I'm a fierce believer that access to culture and expression should not depend upon financial situation, I will say there are routes to find this course for free. If you do go through less reputable routes and your financial situation turns later, purchase your next course, and recommend the basics one to friends!
Your final "btw" paragraph has me saying no, do not do the 140 for the course. Seriously, if it would be that much of a financial hit, and you can barely get the motivation to pick up a pencil - you're setting yourself up for even more disappointment in yourself compounded w/ the financial hit. There's plenty of free stuff, I'd do that if I were you, until when and if your btw turns around. I have motivation/adhd probs as well, and telling myself "If i spend money on this it will MAKE me do it". Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, quite the opposite. Mess around w/ free stuff, and if you feel the inspiration buy yourself an xmas present of the course
I agree with @elkad . I also followed courses from Stan before (figure drawing and portrait drawing) and Stan is an excellent teacher. The basics course is not fully published yet, every week there are video's being added to it. But it will be very in-depth, because there are already more than 40 video's published and we only covered topics on drawing materials and line. So for the quality and quantity you get i think the price is cheap, especially when you compare it to traditional art school.
As Elkad mentioned there are also a ton of free resources available. One resource i would use next to the basics course is It's less fun than the basics course and has a more drill-sergeant approach, but you'll learn a lot. I also use this reddit drawing curriculum:
which has a ton of (free) resources.
Follow along with the free videos from the course and decide if its worth it yourself!
$140 is a lot of money and I'd highly encourage you to try out free learning material (not only from Stan) before you consider a paid course. It will help you see if you're able to commit to a course which you seem unsure of. It'll also help decide if paying for a course is worth it for you, maybe you'll be content with the free materials, maybe you'll be looking for more.
In my experience, I've generally found that paid courses are better put together (not that free content is bad) because lets face it, being paid gives them dedicated time to design and create quality content. Creating a course is extremely time consuming and not many artists have the time to make one for free.
I've taken a couple of Stan's courses (figure drawing and portrait drawing) and have been really happy with the quality. The courses are planned out well and I think Stan's a great teacher who's clearly passionate about art, he distills important info well and communicate effectively. That said, no art course is going to teach you everything there is to know or magically make your art amazing, you still need to put in the work and there will still be a lot to learn by the end!
So yeah, start with some free material and go from there. There are a lot of great courses out there (both free and paid) and Stan's courses are some of those. Hope that helps :)