Improving features or suggestions
Anne-Lise Loubière
Hi there, thank you very much for inviting me as a beta tester!
I really was waiting to visit Proko 2.0 and I must say, I'm very pleased with the result! :)
You guys did a great job!
The new look is very nice and the add of a community is really neat.
I've done a quick tour, I intend to spend more time using the site but I'm a bit confused about some things. Also I thought we could use this thread to gather our thoughts about the website.
(Please consider the following are just observations and personal taste, I know you just launched the site and you're still working on it, so if anything said here seems irrelevant just ignore it)
So, that said, here are my two cents :
1) Regarding the lessons :
I love the new feature allowing to request for help under each lesson. However, 3D models and ebooks are now buried among the videos. I think I liked it more on the old site, where I had a quick access to it. Maybe in a separate tab?
2) Forums :
They look very clean and easy to use but regarding lessons, everything is stacked into the same category. Maybe it would be easier to navigate into separated sub-categories : gestures, figure drawing, anatomy, podcasts an so on.
Again, you did an amazing work! I can't wait to use it more!
Hello! Thank you very much for inviting me to participate in Proko 2.0 development.
The only issue I have at the moment could be resolved with Anne-Lise’s suggestion from point #1. Maybe videos and 3D models could be open in separate tab? Sometimes, especially during complex lessons which require studying multiple bones at once, and observing relationship/ratio between them, is quite convenient that you can observe several 3d models at once. If not on the same page, it would be convenient to jump from one tab to another, at least.
I’m primarily desktop user, so maybe this won’t be so convenient solution for the users of smaller portable devices, but it could help.
"1. Regarding the lessons"
Not sure exactly what you mean by 3D models and ebooks are buried. If you select a course and click on the lessons tab, you'll see all the lessons related to any specific topic. For example see my image below of the biceps lessons.
Also, I can't find a way to download an ebook now, whereas I could on the original site.
On the old site all the 3D models are embedded in one single page, so one can load them with a single click. Now it's two clicks. The same goes with ebooks.
It doesn't personally bother me, but he's got a point.
> 2) Forums :
They look very clean and easy to use but regarding lessons, everything is stacked into the same category. Maybe it would be easier to navigate into separated sub-categories : gestures, figure drawing, anatomy, podcasts an so on
You can discuss the lesson in the "Discussions" section, right below the lesson video. The forum posts just link to there. Frankly I think they should simply remove the lesson forum (or significant overhaul the UI) and only keep the Discussions section. For now all it does is to confuse people: there are more than 800 posts so it's not really navigable, and there isn't any visual hint implying the forum post and the Discussions section are the same thing.
Also the forum seems too plain. There isn't rich text editor. I don't know how to quote someone's post or add hyperlinks.
hmm, I see what you're saying. You're right, we either need to change something about the design to make it more clear, or just remove it.
What do others think? Should we remove 'lesson discussions' category from the community? Right now they just serve as links to the lessons. Or is there a reason to keep them?
Oh thank you! I just realized that, okay, makes much more sense.
You're totally right about the forum options too! Yeah, it would be more readable in the long term with those options available.