i´had never got feedback since i started drawing.
Alex MoCa
yes, its true, in my whole 5 years i´d never publish anything or ask for a critique about my stuff, im posting this because they are my most recent drawings, i´was trying to finally use tone since it was a scarty topic for me, and using some simple forms on hands just to make it easy to memorized the structure.
i will love to know what you guys think and don't be afraid to rip my stuff apart i honestly appreciated if you tell my why is awfull or what should i really focus on.
Also sorry for low quality pictures, phone is almost as old as me.
They are good. Its a question of taste. Do you want to be more natural? these look like a super hero.
This is just a feeling I have, but have you devoted much time to really studying the skeleton? I think it could give your work some more weight and solidity. Michael Hampton's figure book is great for that
that book was actually my first art book , read it like a thousand times,i did studied the skeleton but nothing to deep to be honest.
thanks to all your feedback guys im really thankful that all of you stop by and critique my studies, as for now im gonna start improving my work and follow your advice, thanks again. :)
I really like you work, it has a good sense of form and structure. One thing I’d like to say is that I think your drawings would benefit from having some more half tones. Because the dark line the separates the line side and the dark side feels too much like a hard edge. I think that that the drawings will pop even more if you can some gradations to your drawings. But nonetheless great work, keep it up!
i am glad you are sharing your work. It can be really scary to share. Your hands are really working. As for the shading I think you have to much half tone and not enough highlights and shadows. Sometimes it is better to not shade the entire form and let the mind of the viewer fill it in. Hope this helps.
You have really solid form and foundations in your drawings. I would consider being more confident with your shading. It seems like you know where the shapes are but only put it in loosely. Just upping the confidence and putting the shading in solidly would add a lot.
Your drawings have form and your lines look confident. My only suggestion is I think you could go darker with the shadows, similar to the level of contrast on those smaller arm drawings you have.
I think the work you have here is great. I would try using different reference to practice putting into practice what you have learned on someone with a smaller muscle structure and I would try adding in contour lines to help drive home the form of the arm and how everything over laps. I hope this helps. Keep it up! Also check out Steve Huston he would be great to study from to complment what you have learned.
thanks a lot, i´had study heads from steve huston, but never try on his anatomy, gonna start studing it now