How do i improve this piece??

i tried doing digital art recently and im not that statisfied with the results, the colours are a bit too muddy for me but im not sure how to fix it. and i think she looks a bit too flat in this illustration. do you guys have any critiques or tips for this? thankyou so much! ^^
Be careful about the background values and the character/ foreground values. I think choosing a focal point and spicing it up in that area would be awesome. In the piece there isn't really a light source so it becomes very grey. That being said I LOVE IT. Epic design and painterly style. To avoid the muddy look be really clear about your value shapes. It happens in digital art when because of pen pressure values end up where they shouldnt be.
Oof yeah i still need to work on the values more thankyou so much for the helpful feedback! I kinda understand a bit more on what went wrong now haha XD
Hello there!
As mentioned by many others in this feed, I agree that you may need to adjust the values in your piece to add additional contrast.
I would suggest determining what your lightest values is supposed to be, and then determining your darkest values. afterwards, push those respectively values in their respective directions to make the lights lighter and darker tones darker.
I think you could easily figure this out by determining where your light source is and how it would affect the way the subject and her surroundings are lit. Once you determine that, that should also help with pushing the tones into the right directions :)
Also! You may want to look into Marc Brunet's Grayscale to Color Video. He does a great job of explain simple ways of using grayscale coloring to establish contrast and hues first before building up to color. The link is posted below :D
I know I may be repeating a lot of what was said already, but I hope this all helps still :)
Thankyou so much for the tips! It fits so much with the problem im having definitely gonna check the vid!
What I think you should do is: Search for a reference of a scene that describes what you are aiming for, define the light source and increase the range of your values.
Hey Lea, this is an awesome drawing. Really great job on this. Great idea and strong execution.
I don't really see anything wrong with the drawing, or composition, the biggest thing that stands out to me is the composition. The entire thing is very grey, so as a result there's nothing telling me where to look. I can tell that this character is in a forest, but the trees in the background look muddy, and out of perspective.
Composition is all about personal taste, so you could totally disagree with me. But one solution might be putting some atmospheric perspective in the image, and lighting up behind her head. Also maybe putting some stronger light on her face.
Hope this helps!
Thankyou so much for the helpful feedback! I agree that the composition needs more work XD ill definitly try to improve it
You're right about it looking a bit flat, which comes from not having a wide enough value range I think. Try making your darks darker and light lighter to get a fuller range of values to work with and express your 3d forms. I feel like the arms also get a little bit lost in the snow in the background due to how close they are to each other in value so may be play with their positioning or value so they stand out a bit more? I think you could also benefit from making the hand in from a bit better defined, as right now it feels kind of flat and theres not very good indication of the positions/bends of the fingers. Something to consider conceptually, maybe make her hair flow a little more to reflect the wind of the snow storm? Tbh I like the desaturation you have going on here though, I feel like it reflects the mood of the piece well overall and matches a snowstorm kind of draining the color from everything.
Thankyou for the great feedback!! I'll work on my values and forms XD im glad you're able to capture the mood im kind of going for once again thankyou so much for the great feedback!