
I've been trying to make gestures less stiff, mostly by trying to do them faster. I still think they look pretty stiff but definitely I think I've been getting better.
To help with getting the pro to feel more fluid, push those "s" and "c" curve lines more like Steve said, and also, when doing those gesture lines don't be afraid to draw through the form and have lines that extend past the form. Those connecting lines and big sweeping lines help give a sense of movement and "life" to the gesture. I drew over a couple of your gestures, and you can see where I let the lines just extend past the shoulder or hip for example. When doing the gesture, get your center line of the pose established as well to help get balance and establish that overall big gesture of the pose.
Hey yeej9354,
It's good to see you working on your gesture drawing. One thing you could do to improve, is find an "s" curve or "c" curve to describe the pose from top to bottom. One un-interrupted line to show what's happening with the pose. Also, try to avoid 90 degree angles with the limbs, it will stiffen the pose. Try to draw gesture with your arm, not your wrist. I took two drawings from your post and did a quick gesture to show you what I mean. I hope this helps :)