First illustration I've done
After a few days, I've finally finished my first illustration! I'm not sure what specific critique I should ask here because there's a lot of stuff to go from here so I guess I'm going with asking for general critique instead.
What issues does this painting have and what stuff should I improve on? Also the pose I drew is from imagination so I'm curious what you guys think of it.
I'm just a beginner right now so some honest constructive critique is appreciated here.
Hey c_moon,
first off, congrats on your first illustration, that a big achievement.
I think the pose is good, but has some issues with proportion. I always do a structural drawing first to work out my proportions and perspective. That way I don't do a lot of work on my drawing if the proportions are wrong.
Your instincts are good by having her in front of the cave opening. It's called a framing device, and is used to help guide the viewer to the main subject. I think though if your going to use it, you should make the opening larger so that she is framed by it better.
I also think your use of a limited palette of colors is also good, especially for your first illustration. It gives the piece a cohesion. The only thing that I would do with the color is have the outside of the cave be a cool color for a nice contrast.
over all, you did a nice job. I hope my sketch is helpful :)
Thanks for taking the time to critique, again I appreciate it.
I didn't know about the framing device, interesting. That's actually what I started on with the figure but yours looks much cleaner. I'm still not sure about how to approach wrinkles and clothing, I find it really difficult and whenever I try to apply it, it just feels a bit random. I don't know how to study or how to look for references on it. What's your suggestions?
By the way the background's not a cave, it's actually a forest. Which explain the leaves on top if you were wondering, I feel like I could have done better to show the BG is a forest although I don't know what to do exactly.