Elf Copy
I did kind of a copy of an elf head. The original was done by Izzy “Talin” Collier. I did bounce a bit between mechanical and clutch pencils but I’m not sure which I like better. What are your thoughts?
Along with what @Martha Muniz said, also try to maintain the expression on the face. Acting, or emoting feelings is what gives our drawings life. Pay special attention to the shape of the eyes and the angle of the eyebrows.
Hey, cool! Master studies are a great way to learn from other artists, develop your own technical skills, and gain familiarity with a medium. A helpful approach is also to keep in mind a specific quality you admire in an artist to use a focus for your study, like their line quality, shading, stylization, etc. or even something like their approach to armor or hair.
I think something that stands out to me for this artist is the angular shape design they use for stylization throughout the piece-- even just in the face alone, you can see sharp angles echoing throughout the design of her features especially as her jaw comes to almost a point, which I think you could reinforce. The use of line weight is also aptly used to reinforce the shadows falling on her face, such as around her eyes, under her nose, and her top lip, which I think is worth trying out with a tapered pencil edge to achieve that heavier weight. I do think your rendering came out quite clean and controlled, and starting to develop a good range of line weight, it's just a matter of pushing it a bit further as you gain more familiarity with your tools.