Digital portrait thing
Critique needed, show no mercy. I've been staring at this portrait I made for too long and I can't see things I could improve.
I would appreciate if someone could lend me a fresh pair of eyeballs _(:3 」∠)_
Everything you painted so far is good except his eyes, his clavicles, and his shoulder (the deltoids).
Well, without the reference it's kind of hard to critique, so I'm only going to talk about edges.
The biggest thing I noticed is that you have hard edges everywhere. The problem with that is it draws the eye and makes everything look hard and kills form. Form rendering is soft until it hits a corner, then it can sharpen. If everything is hard, then nothing looks like flesh, instead it looks like rocks.
I did a quick paint over to show you some of the things I noticed. Again, without reference, I had to guess at some of these things but I hope it helps :)