Critique Requested!
Hello there, thanks for clicking on this! I was wondering what critiques you might have for a painting I did.
I wanted to capture a moody scene, and even though it didn't match my vision in terms of contrast, I think I'm quite pleased with the result, although there are definitely spots to improve.
Thank you for your time!
This looks great! What I would advise is that you make your idea more clear. "Moody" can mean a lot of things! Dark? Dramatic? Suspenful? This painting gives me "scary/suspenful" vibes. Going off this, I made some suggestion on a paintover. Whati did was modify some values, edges, and darkened the eyes to add more suspense. These are only suggestions! You do what you want! Great work
Hey drawingdodo,
I like the painting, and I think it does have mood. The thing I noticed was some problems structurally with the head. Even though we are only seeing part of his head, you should draw the whole thing so that everything looks correct. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
That is fantastic feedback, thank you so much! I especially love the more hair floating in the water, it could be a great way to add some more interesting shapes. Thank you for taking the time for this!