Comic Book Sketch Covers
Gannon Beck
Posting some comic book sketch covers. We can make this a group thread so anyone can join in.
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Gannon Beck
Here is a rough thirty minute sketch for the cover of a comic I'm currently working on. I'm probably going to have to get a Proko skull and do lots of studies as I develop this.
Patrick Bosworth
I like this composition, nice contrast vignetting with the skulls around your central figure. Nice way to get approximately 100 skull studies in!! :D
Patrick Bosworth
Cyclops study after Jim Lee I did for my buddy's birthday. Inked with Copics, Pentel Brush pen and Posca.
Patrick Bosworth
Colored in Procreate
maciek szczech
Halo from young justice, dc comicy
A couple dc character pencil drawings, one of poison ivy, the other is pied piper, no study of anyone in particular, just references here and there and imagination and splooshing it on the page
Aaron Smith
Design based on the Transformers G1 Warpath toy. I drew this from imagination, so some of the perspective will be off. I did ink it traditionally, but then realised the drawing was too big for my scanner, so I took the photo of the pencils into Clip Studio Paint and re-inked it. I also changed the position of the arm and pistol. I then added an explosion I'd drawn from a previous project, and coloured the whole piece in CSP.
Patrick Bosworth
Awesome job!! I've been obsessed with Daniel Warren Johnson's Transformers run lately!
Art Stark
I like how, with each iteration, there are improvements. Very impressive. I'd buy this comic!
Gannon Beck
Nicely done. I love all the great forms you used to give solidity to the figure.
Gannon Beck
Here is a master study of one of Alex Ross's Immortal Hulk covers. Getting my head around this gouache thing.
Art Stark
Aaron Smith
I really like this! Very cool!
Patrick Bosworth
Jim Lee study
Art Stark
The inking is an inspiration! And I love detailed pencils. This is great poster art. Thanks for posting.
Aaron Smith
Great work, Patrick! I think you should colour this one.
Gannon Beck
Very cool! Are you inking this traditionally?
Patrick Bosworth
Walt Simonson study
Gannon Beck
Fantastic study!
Art Stark
Baby steps… I'm not up to full-on covers yet, but I did take a big old marker and try and sketch like Frank Miller. Please file this under, "Finished, Not Perfect."
Patrick Bosworth
I grew up reading TMNT comics, and listening to the Grateful Dead. (Things haven’t changed much) When I first was introduced to Heinrich Kley I was blown away to realize my first experience with Kley was actually on the Grateful Dead album cover for Terrapin Station. I had no idea at the time who Kley was, and I always attributed the dancing turtles to Stanley Mouse who designed many of my favorite album covers for The Dead. Thought it would be fun to mash-up a bunch of my favorite things for a comic sketch cover, Kley, TMNT, and The Dead! So here’s Mikey and Donnie (rocking out to Terrapin Station) after Kley. Sketched/inked in Procreate. Can't wait to do some more of these, such a fun project prompt!
Art Stark
Nice story about the Dead cover art. I'm familiar with Kley, but I've never seen the turtle art. Thanks for posting.
Gannon Beck
Love this! I never thought of the Turtles being musicians, but that is a cool concept to explore.
Gannon Beck
Batman sketch cover.
Art Stark
I'm a huge Batman fan! And I'm a huge Aparo fan (my favorite Batman and Aquaman artist)! And I have the Death in the Family comic! Great job!
Gannon Beck
This is the last of my Green Lantern sketch covers.
Gannon Beck
Another recently completed sketch cover. I view these as preliminary sketches. The idea is to get a bunch of them done and develop the best ones. I never know in advance which drawings are going to be my best compositions. By doing a lot, some of them will stand out and it's those that I'll choose do develop. This is one of the prongs in my development. I'm also focusing a lot on studying the figure, drawing from live, and doing master studies to understand gouache and watercolor. Sometime in the fall I want to start putting this all together into original compositions. All this is to say that there is a method to the madness.
Art Stark
If you're going to go mad, best to have a plan! :P
Gannon Beck
Spider-Men sketch cover.
Art Stark
Fun gestures!
Gannon Beck
Another Green Lantern sketch cover. My buddy Frank, who owns a shop in Virginia, is a huge Green Lantern fan and put a pile of these in front of me for Free Comic Book Day, last Saturday.
Gannon Beck
Another Spider-man sketch cover.
Gannon Beck
Another sketch from last Saturday. While I'm adding watercolor to the rest of the covers I did, I think this one works best in black and white.
Art Stark
Devon D. Yeider
A couple sketches I did recently that could be covers I guess haha pretty happy with both of them but especially the swap thing. These were done with the Olo zorn pallet that stan arranged which me no greens so happy I could make that work!
Gannon Beck
The are great, Devon. The Swamp Thing might be my favorite out of everything I've seen you do so far. Great form and gesture to the figure, and you've managed to make him ghoulish in a way I haven't seen before--nice original take on him.
Gannon Beck
Another sketch cover from Saturday. I only finished the black and whit on Saturday, and I'm adding the watercolor to these a bit later.
Art Stark
The silhouette of the figure with the anatomy distilled down to dynamic shapes is great! You've really retained the gesture of the pose. Referencing comic covers is a great idea.
Gannon Beck
Here is one I did last Saturday on Free Comic Book Day.
Devon D. Yeider
Damn these are good. Great group idea!
Art Stark
Nice! The use of big black areas is great. You've really captured the wiry aspect of Spidey!
Aaron Smith
Very cool :)
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