Can anyone give feedback
Anubhav Saini
The following are the gesture drawing of animals and this time I wanted to try something new so I decided to practice feature drawing of animals and I find it slightly difficulty than humans can y,all give your feedback
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Emily King
It's really nice! I think you've got some good stuff going-on there! I especially like your first page where you're more focused on "gist" than "creating a nice line-drawing". (Actually... I kinda like that... "gist"-ure drawing... XD ) Advice that was given to me a lllloooonnnnnggggg time ago (that still hasn't quite sunk-in for me yet...) is to draw "verbs" rather than "nouns"... don't draw an arm or a leg... draw _how_ it's _stretching/compressing/bending/etc_... convey to the viewer how it _feels_ to you to experience that feeling of observing that and imagining how it'd feel in your own body. And, draw _through_ the model, especially at the gesture phase... actually draw (lightly) the eclipsed body-parts and where they connect, and how they are also stretching/compressing. Gesture-drawings are about the feelz, (not the finish).
Chris Menken
Most of these look pretty good! I would say tho, did u look at the anatomy of these creatures beforehand? Studying skeletal structure, muscular structure, and then finally several images from different perspectives can help you get a full understanding of how to draw an exaggeration of those features, or a simplification. For example if you want to draw a bird, first find the species that you like the expression and posture of, then you might delve deeper into what makes that bird unique, and capitalize on it. I'm not an expert, but that tends to be a helpful process in my animal studies.
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